

Are you a new mom who is planning on breastfeeding?
Then this list is for you! We've compiled some tips to ensure a successful breastfeeding relationship with your new baby.

1.Nurse as soon as possible after birth.
2.Establish the proper latch on. This will eliminate much of the pain and soreness often associated with breastfeeding, and it will allow the baby to get milk more easily.
3.Avoid artificial nipples.
4.Do not restrict the length or frequency of breastfeeding.
5.Sleep when your baby sleeps!
6.Wear your baby! Carry your baby in a sling for easy nursing.
7.Have a glass of water every time you sit down to nurse - this will help make sure you're drinking enough fluids.
8.Avoid bras and tight-fitting clothing in the first few weeks after birth to allow sore nipples to heal.
9.Use pillows to support you and your baby while breastfeeding.
10.If you experience pain during breastfeeding, seek help from your doctor or a Lactation Consultant.

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